Interface FunctionPlotDatum


  • FunctionPlotDatum


attr?: any

Additional attributes set on the svg node that represents this datum

closed?: boolean

(only if graphType: 'polyline' or graphType: 'scatter') True to close the path, for any segment of the closed area graph y0 will be 0 and y1 will be f(x)

color?: string

The color of the function to render

The derivative configuration

The function to render

fnType?: "linear" | "implicit" | "parametric" | "polar" | "points" | "vector"

The type of function to render

graphType?: "interval" | "polyline" | "text" | "scatter"

The type of graph to render

  • polyline: uses the builtIn sampler to render a disjoint set of line segments
  • interval: uses the interval arithmetic sampler to render a disjoint set of rectangles
  • scatter: uses the builtIn sampler to render a disjoint set of points
  • text: text
index?: number

The datum index

isHelper?: boolean

True if the datum is a helper function

location?: [number, number]

An array of 2-number array for the position of the text when fnType: 'text'

nSamples?: number

The number of values to be taken from range to evaluate the function, note that if interval-arithmetic is used the function will be evaluated with intervals instead of single values

offset?: [number, number]

Vector offset when fnType: 'vector'

points?: [number, number][]

An array of 2-number array which hold the coordinates of the points to render when fnType: 'points'

The function to render (only used for polar functions)

range?: [number, number]

An array with two numbers, the function will only be evaluated with values that belong to this interval

default value for fnType: 'polar': [-Math.PI, Math.PI] default value for fnType: 'parametric': [0, 2 * Math.PI] default value for the other functions: [-Infinity, Infinity]

sampler?: "interval" | "builtIn" | "asyncInterval"

The sampler to take samples from range, available values are interval|builtIn

  • NOTE: builtIn should only be used when graphType is polyline|scatter

Additional information available during function evaluation

The secants configuration

skipBoundsCheck?: boolean

True to bypass the range limits, used for helper functions

skipTip?: boolean

True to make the tip ignore this function

text?: string

Used as text if graphType: 'text'

vector?: [number, number]

An array of 2-number array which hold the coordinates of the points to render when fnType: 'vector'

The function to render (only used for parametric functions)

The function to render (only used for parametric functions)

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